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Stacey Warr's Story

When she flashes her mega-watt smile and talks about her everyday joys, one might never know that Stacey Warr is fighting for her life.

In 2008, as a student at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD, Stacey Warr just didn’t feel right. She was tired all the time. Her back hurt. Her muscles cramped. But most concerning were the splitting headaches that wouldn’t go away. Thinking she had the flu, Stacey went to the university clinic in hopes of finding some relief.

What followed was an 11-year journey of incorrect diagnoses, ineffective medications and a few dismissive physicians. Until finally, in 2019, she received a proper, devastating diagnosis: Stage 5 kidney disease. Stacey was in complete kidney failure. For more than a decade, there was no mention of possible CKD from any of the medical professionals from whom she sought care. 

At just 33-years-old, Stacey Warr was added to the national transplant waiting list in hope of finding a kidney donor to save her life. She is still waiting.

Not being one to wallow or mope while fighting for her health, Stacey set out to find resources, to find a support community, to find hope. She found the NKF. Since joining the NKF family in 2023, Stacey’s outreach and advocacy work has included speaking engagements with WRC-TV NBC4 on World Kidney Day, the Washington Wizards Organ Donation Awareness Tournament, the Kidney Kudos Reception and the Ending Disparities in Kidney Disease Summit. She attended the Kidney Ball, the NKF Congressional Reception and the Kidney Patient Summit.

The NKF is thrilled to recognize Stacey Warr at this year’s Kidney Ball for her commitment to the cause, her passionate advocacy and the hope she brings to everyone who meets her.

“I am so honored to be featured at this year’s Kidney Ball!” said Stacey. “I look forward to a future where I can continue to encourage fellow patients and raise awareness about kidney disease.”

Since 1982 the Kidney Ball remains one of the “must attend” social and philanthropic galas in the country. The event shines the spotlight on this national health crisis that impacts 1 in every 7 Americans and serves as a call to action for the community to engage in spreading awareness and assisting those in need. Come join Stacey and hundreds of others for an important evening of fellowship, fundraising and a whole lot of fun! Click here to learn more and purchase tickets.